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Hello dear fellow knitter,
I'm a mother, former teacher and a knitwear fanatic. I learned my first stitches from my mom when I was a teenager, but I gave up knitting afterwards. Having my first baby brought back my passion with great impact and this time I also started designing knitwear for adults and children.
I love designing sweaters and accessories. My true passion are unique garments that catch the eye with their intricate details and beautiful finishing. And if they can be seamless that's even better.
I live with my non-knitting partner, three kids and two dogs in Poland.

About: Info
More about Justyna:
Pod Prąd - Article "Woollen World" p. 18. [Orig. "Wełniany Świat"]
How to become a Professional Knitter - An Interview with Justyna Lorkowska
A talk with Justyna and crafty ladies about knitting on Polish Radio - Polskie Radio 24
ShinyBees Podcast - An Interview with Justyna Lorkowska
Eden Cottage Yarns - An interview
Kelbourne Woolens - An interview with Justyna Lorkowska
Fruity Knitting - Lete's Knits
Nappe Shawl at This is Knit - A chat with Justyna and Lanivendole
Strikkamegrundt - Let's talk knitting with Justyna Lorkowska
About: Tekst
About: Kontakt
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